How To Find Your Niche As A Freelancer

To begin your journey as a freelancer, the first step is to find your niche.

They say it is often better to be the master of one trade than a jack of all. Finding your niche as a freelancer can leave a positive impact and play as an advantage for your career. This is often the best way to take your ecommerce business to the next level.

Finding your niche can help you get your hands on more projects and earn consistent clients with the alliance of Certified Skills which is Pakistan's Largest e-Commerce learning Platform. With Certified Skills you can acquire 100+ income generating freelancing skills which will boost your income, and ultimately make you satisfied with your earnings as well the input which will be productive.

Although discovering your niche can be difficult. You need to try out many options and then come to a conclusion of what works for you.

This can help you narrow down your options. You can also follow the 5-step guide on how to become a freelancer on our blog page. Once you have listed down all the possibilities of your niche, you can explore and find what you can ace:
  1. Try out a lot of options
  2. Study the market
  3. Follow your passion
  4. Become an expert
  5. Advertise your expertise
You need a niche that can be profitable and viable for you in the long run.

1-     Try out a lot of options:

It is important to keep your pool open for a variety of experiences. This plays the role of one of the most important prerequisites in finding the best niche for your business. Try options and find what works for you. It can be tools, different sites.

Find the thing that brings your skills and creativity out. Focus on things that drive out the x-factor out of your work. Network with people from your ecosystem.

When considering niche ideas , think about the following:
  1. Who are your ideal clients?
  2. Why do you want to work for them?
  3. How will you help them?
This can help you narrow down your options. Once you have listed down all the possibilities of your niche, you can move on to the next step.

2) Study the market:

Do not just choose any niche to start your career. It has to be something that reflects your best work in the market that you have to offer. Whatever you choose it has to be something that is both profitable and viable in the long run. For all this it is important for you to study the market.

Learn and read the trends and dynamics of the freelance market, what people demand for, what is the most running and demanded niche by the buyers. You can surf on fiverr , upwork etc. and check the reviews.

It is also important to choose something that will work for you in the long run. If you think that a certain niche or demand is going to go off the market soon, building your work around it is probably not a good idea. 

3) Follow your passion:

By now you have tried your options and after reading the market you have probably found your niche which will generate good revenues for you in the future and won’t leave you unemployed. Now this is a point where you narrow it down.

Think about the following:
  • Your areas of interests
  • What is it that you’ll have fun doing?
  • What has been your best work yet?
  • Do your passions align with your business goals? If yes, how?
By this you can evaluate and find something where even your heart lies and your passion, if not then your work will get real boring, real quick.

4) Become an expert:

It’s time to own it! After finding a potential niche you need to study it so grasp the whole idea of its expertise. You might know a lot but not enough to call yourself an expert of your niche.

Do not turn yourself into someone who thinks he knows all, but be a master of it and it must show in your work.

You study your niche by reading about it via books, wed, articles and most importantly by networking with people of the same niche. This is how you become an expert.

5) Advertise your expertise:

Your art is hidden until it is displayed to the public eye. Finding your niche isn’t enough. You’ve got to advertise your expertise on the freelancing platforms and share your skills and mastery.

You also need to update your social handles and page descriptions of facebook, update your fiverr and upwork accounts. Everything should be advertised and based around your niche.

Make sure your work makes people think that they can't have a better freelancer than you.

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